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How to determine the starter running weakness of the failure:

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How to determine the starter running weakness of the fault: turn on the start switch, the starter is slow and weak, driving the engine difficult, uneven speed, can not make the engine start. If the cold season, the temperature is very low due to the engine's negative torque is great, the battery capacity decreases, this time starter operation is normal. However, the engine resistance torque is not particularly large case, the planetary starter operation is weak, but after a period of time to start the car smoothly, then the battery power shortage. If the battery storage power is sufficient, the ministries line connection is good, the engine resistance torque is not great, the cold car and hot car starter operation are weak, usually the starter is faulty.

Exclude: Isuzu 2.0 from the car to remove the starter, the decomposition check, such as brush wear too much, brush spring elasticity should be replaced, the commutator should be cleaned of dirt, the motor switch contacts and contact plate ablation should Grinding. If the failure can not be ruled out, then

Check whether the excitation winding or armature winding short-circuit, the starter bearing is too loose, the armature core and the magnetic pole is collided, etc., according to the fault condition repair or replacement.


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